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Disney’s Recent Films Are Demonstrating the Inadequacies of Individualism
Cultural Observation Steve Bang Lee Cultural Observation Steve Bang Lee

Disney’s Recent Films Are Demonstrating the Inadequacies of Individualism

Personal identity is never so personal. “Encanto” and “Turning Red” are stories that highlight the need for bridging generational divides, and how family issues play such a powerful force in the lives of individuals. Our understanding of ourselves and our sense of overall well-being is always tied to our collective backgrounds and experiences in a broader community.

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Why We Moved to a New City During a Pandemic (After Having Our 4th Child) - Believing in the Role of Proximity to the Local Church
Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee Spiritual Development Steve Bang Lee

Why We Moved to a New City During a Pandemic (After Having Our 4th Child) - Believing in the Role of Proximity to the Local Church

It wasn’t a haphazard or emotional decision. My wife and I had known it was a possibility for over a year, had multiple key discussions along the way, and had prayed through it for months. But in September of 2020, less than 4 months after having our 4th child, we packed our bags and moved to a new city. This post is about the growing conviction that drove that decision.

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